Thursday, December 22, 2011

23 Pounds Lighter, A Few More to Go

Jennifer has lost 23 pounds since she started her weight loss blog about three months ago. Check out her fun and honest blog at Diary of an Even Fatter Girl.

Here's an intro from Jennifer:

I'm a 57-year-old clinical counselor and social worker who's been overweight since 1985. That was the year that I successful quit smoking and transferred my addiction to food! My highest weight since smoking was 255 ---- 125 pounds more than the morning I smoked my last cigarette! Of course, adding to that weight was having a child (now 25 years old but I PROMISE, I still carry my pregnancy fat), getting divorced, living life.

I've tried so many weight loss strategies in the last 26 years - once eating no solid food for three months, only Optifast shakes. I took doctor-prescribed diet medication for a year and gained a heart murmur, but lost no weight. I've tried it all.

But...... on September 19, 2011, I started a blog in order to keep myself focused, accountable, and conscious of who it is I want to become. Since that date, I've gone from 244 to 221! I've still got "miles to go before I sleep" but I feel that blogging is the most nurturing thing I've done for myself in years. Having a place to document my fears, my musings, my successes and failures has kept me more motivated on my weight loss journey than anything else. I feel like, after 57 years, I'm beginning to know myself and what makes me tick (and eat). I have begun to live my life transparently - and in the process, I've discovered that, though we all fight different battles, our "insides are the same". We are all brothers and sisters of the heart.

Diary Of An Even Fatter Girl is an honest, funny blog about losing weight and living life.


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