Thursday, September 3, 2009

Getting in Shape at Age 45

Check out a very entertaining article by a guy, age 45, who lost 50 pounds over 8 months. He's done it via exercise and by changing his diet. He never actually went on 'a diet' and has never felt hungry. He's just changed the type of food he eats. And he hasn't cut out all his bad habits, he continues to drink a lot of alcohol daily.

Check out his fun article and inspiring before and after photos!

He says;

I have buns of iron and only the smallest of man-boobs, and I no longer feel waves of melancholy every time I see a photo of my slimmer twentysomething self...

Have I been on a diet? People have been asking me that for months. Sometimes, I'm ashamed to say, I joke that no, I'm terminally ill. I don't know what the straight answer is. You think of a diet as something that hurts – and I'm enjoying the business of feeding myself more than I ever did. Not once this year have I left the table feeling hungry or hard done-by. I have not signed up for WeightWatchers, come over all Atkins, discovered the delights of acai berries, or switched to the new "non-fat" fat. I have not – though God knows I should have – significantly reduced my boozing. I have stopped eating almost everything that I once thought of as food, but I'm loving what's replaced it.

One of the books he recommends is Eating for Lower Cholesterol: A Balanced Approach to Heart Health with Recipes Everyone Will Love


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